Thursday, March 25, 2010


A Desktop is the first screen that users see after initiating a computer system. It is an environment created by a GUI (Graphic User Interface) system, and can be found on most of todays PC's (Personal Computers). It displays some of the most important Operating System resources, folders, icons, and widgets that are commonly used by users.


In a computers, a folder is a virtual storage device used to display files saved in a computer. A computer system can contain hundreds of thousands of folders and the purpose of folders is to organize and store related files together.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Icons are images simulated by computer Graphical User Intefaces (GUIs). Once any of these images are selected, a task is performed so that users do not have to struggle remembering comands and having to enter them in a command prompt.


Maximize is another performance task used in both GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) and Command-Line Interfaces. It allows you to manipulate open windows by turning them from average size into full size making them take up the whole desktop. Once you have used this function users have the ability to resize their window to normal size by pressing the restore button that takes its place.


A Menu is the term given to drop-down lists which display commands so that they can be excecuted. Menus are used in computers with a Graphical User Interface and not in a Command-Line Interface because a Menu is usually displayed somewhere in the computer, and in a Command Line Interface, this is not possible because every single command has to be written down. Menus can be accesed with the click of a Mouse, the click of a key in a Keyboard, with an Electro Mechanical Pointer/ Light Pen, or by the touch of the screen. In computers used by those that are disabled, Menus are accessed by voice commands. The most common type of Menu is a computer's start Menu.

Menu Bar

A Menu Bar is a computer bar which includes very important tasks and options. Options in the Menu Bar usually include File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools, and Help and these options are present in all Web Browsers. Once these options are clicked, more options are displayed and they include tasks like Print, Undo, Redo, Copy, Paste, Refresh, Help, View History, and etc. Operating systems such as Mac make use of the Menu Bars very differently than the Windows OS. They have Menu Bars on the top of their Desktop, and these Menu Bars cary out basically the same instructions like a Windows Start Menu. Menu Bars are always placed horizontally.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Minimize is a funcion provided by any User Interface that allows users to shrink a window in to the Taskbar, removing it from a Monitors Display, but not terminating the application or program. The program can then be restored to full size and displayed again by clickin its Title Bar in the Taskbar.

Pointing Device

A Pointing Device is a device also known as a HID (Human Interface Device). It is a device such as a Computer Mouse or Computer Touch Pad, that establishes a connection between a user and a computer, by allowing users to select options, programs, and etc, with the movement of a peripheral device.


Restore is a computer command used in both GUI's and Command-Line Interfaces, and also in computer memory. It is a setting/option that will alow you to make a minimized window reappear in full size. In memory, the term restore is incorporated by allowing users to bring back a previously deleted file, or by resetting a computer back to a previous state.

Scroll Bars

Scroll Bars are two dimensional computer components that are found in every computer, no matter if your computer has a Command-Line Interface or a Graphical User Interface. They are horizontal and vertical bars that let u scroll a page in the opposite directions. Not only are they found in computers, but they are found in a wide range of electronic devices such as portable media players, cell phones, and even graphing calculators.

Title Bar

A Title Bar is a component that belongs to computer windows. Its purpose is to specify the title/name of a program and in most GUI (Graphical User Interface) OSs (Operating Systems) its placement is horizontal. Operating Systems such as Mac and Windows allow users to move Windows by grabbing the Title Bar of a program. It is a big part of the Desktop environment.


A Taskbar is another computer display function made possible by a GUI (Graphical User Interface) System. It allows users to launch and monitor programs and tasks. It was first incorporated by Microsoft in 1995 in the Windows 95 Operating System. With advancements made in GUI systems, Taskbars can also be identified as Docks, and can have a transparent appearance. It contains the start button and menu, can support quick launch functions, and can support shortcuts to computer, networks, software and programs, and has the ability to have icons "pinned" to it, so they can serve as shortcuts.


A Toolbar is a widget provided by a GUI (Graphical User Interface) and has buttons, menus, and short cuts to provide easier access to programs and files. There isn't much of a difference between a toolbar and a row of buttons.


A Window is a visual used in computers that contains a user interface, either a graphical interface or a command line interface. Windows can be manipulated by mouse cursors and appear in two dimensional boxes, located above the desktop. Some of today's advancements have allowed Operating System Programs to generate semi transparent windows.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How Will Technology help me?

Technology plays a big part of my life for communications, entertainment, home work, and work. Without it, my life would be very different. It is a big help and is guaranteed to serve as a big help in my future. It will be found in mostly any career that i would want to pursue. For example, if i wanted to work as a cartoonist or animator, i would need to have programs and software such as that of Adobe technology to animate cartoons instead of having to use the old school method of the "Zoe-trope".
If i wanted to pursue a career in the military/navy/army/marines i would need the use of technology for weapons and radar tracking devices. If i wanted to become a business owner, i would need technological/computer application software such as the Microsoft Office Suite so that i can make spread sheets and word documents. If i wanted to work in a company such as Dell, Apple, or windows, technology would help me by allowing me to make better software, and hardware adjustments. No matter what career or future i want, technology will always be there by my side to help me.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


In computers, the term Algorithm is given to a finite sequence of operations used to perform a task. Algorithms are essentially used for calculations, and data processing. An algorithm is a set of specific instructions used for guidance in a process all the way from start to finsish.

Applications Software

Application Software/Apps are programs created to perform a specific tasks. These tasks include Word Processing Programs, Web Browsing, Spreadsheet Software, Presentation Software, Database Software, and Games. It is useful when users need to produce or perform a certain type of work. Some application software come in bundles/suites and examples of this are Microsoft Office, Open Office, and iWork.


A computer "Boot (shortened word for Bootstrap)" is known as the start-up process used to turn on an Operating System, when activated by a user. It is a sequence of operations which then start the main OS and this term comes from a metaphor in which a person can pull the straps of leather boots without outside help, and in computers it means that a system cannot start without the software being loaded first. That's why when you turn on a computer, it enters a Boot sequence.

GUIs (Graphical User Interface/s)

A GUI (Graphical User Interface) is a computer device which allows users to interact with their computers, but allows them to do more than just typing. This allows interaction between a computer and a hand held device, mp3 players, and other media devices. The first known computer that included a GUI was the Macintosh 128k. A GUI also creates a more interesting computer experience with engineered drawings that serve as icons, visuals, menus, and pointing devices. The most common GUIs today are Windows, Macintosh, and X Windows System (System Software for Network Computers) interfaces.

Language Translators

Language Translators are computer programs with the ability to change or translate text from one language to another. It can also be describes as a device that converts instructions which are written in one language, into another.


MS-DOS (MicroSoft-Disk Operating System) was a common operating system mainly used during the 80's and 90's and would work with Personal Computers that had an Intel 8086 processor. It was designed by Microsoft and copyrighted in 1979. It was mostly found in IBM PC's and had 8 major versions of it released until the year 2000 when development of this operating system ended. It was basic operating system which many of the basic windows versions used as a GUI (Graphic User Interface). Support for this operating system ended in 2002.


Multitasking in Computers is a term used to describe multiple tasks/processes that are being performed because of the CPU (Central Processing Unit). It allows you to swap programs, while they are processed by the CPU at the same time.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Network Operating System

A Network Operating Systems are operating systems which allow computers to share data with other computers in the same network. It contains the programs and components so that a computer can run on a network.

Operating Systems

An Operating System (OS) is a interface that is shared by Users and Hardware. It manages activities that are performed by computers, and is a host so that application software could be run on. Applications are run through Application Programming Interfaces which request services from an operating system. The three main operating systems are Windows, Mac, and Unix.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Software Development

Software Development is an act in which computer software is created. The reason that companies have software development is so that they could meet the demands and needs of their users. Before beginning software development, research, maintenance, and modification of software is made. The process in which software development takes place involves marketing, engineering, research and development, and finally marketting once everything is complete.

System Software

System Sofware is software designed for computers that allows application software to be used in computers as well. System Software includes BIOS and Firmware which allow control of devices built in the computer, Operating System like Windows, Mac, or Linux which transfer data from devices and displays them, and it also includes Utility sofware which is important fo computer maintenance.


Unix is a system, that just like Macintosh and Windows, is designed to operate a computer. Production of this operating system began in 1969 and it began with a group of AT&T employes. Overtime, development of this OS have continued through AT&T and non-profit organizations. There are operating systems that are just like Unix and are classified as Unix-like systems. Some of these systems incude Linux, BDN, and Mac OS X which are all Graphic User Interface (GUI) just like Unix.

User Interface

A User Interface is known as the point where interactions take place between humans and computer machines. It is used by humans to control and operate computers and so that computers can support input and output devices.

Utility Sofware

Utility Software is software that is designed for the specific computer maintenance purposes. It can boost computer speed, get rid of the junk files in a computer, and get rid of unwanted files in the computer that contain viruses, and spy ware.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

10 Steps Algorithm For Making Coffee

1)The first step is to make sure that you have a coffee mix and if not buy one at the store. 2) Get a saucepan. 3)Put water in the saucepan. 4)Put the saucepan and water in a stove to boil. 5)Once it's boiling add two or three tea spoons of the coffee mix. 6)Put sugar in the coffee unless you want to take it strong. 7)Add milk unless you want to drink it regularly. 8)Get a drinking cup/tea cup. 9)Pour the coffee in the drinking cup/tea cup. 10)Drink the coffee!!

What is Software?

Computer Software is digitally stored information that can be both read and written by a computer. Software includes data for word processing, the operating system, video games, and it contains data that allows input devices and other external devices to be read by the computer.